Monday, April 12, 2010

Google Home page for Israel - Yom HaShoah SCANDAL!

Today is Yom HaShoah.

See if you can spot the difference between today's Hebrew, English and Arabic versions of Google Home page from their Israel site - ?

The Hebrew version:

The English Version:

And now the Arabic Version:

Notice something missing in the Arabic version?
I'll make it easy for you.
If you put your mouse on the candle you get the text label:
"יום הזיכרון לשואה ולגבורה"
There is a Holocaust Memorial Candle on Israel's Google Home Page. Except that is, if you are an Arab Israeli. In that case, according to Google Israel at least, you can ignore this National day of mourning.


Here's the HTML code missing from the Arabic version:" alt="יום הזיכרון לשואה ולגבורה" title="יום הזיכרון לשואה

It's just gone 10:00am and the sirens have sounded throughout Israel. While standing in silence, I was looking towards the Central bus Station in Yerushalayim and watching all the Arabs walk by as if nothing was happening. The JCB diggers continued working on the Light Rail Way.


Unknown said...

Sorry but what do you expect.
Why should they mourn for 6,000,000 Jews.
Others also died, I was reminded today in an email and most Arab countires hang them till this very day, others escape to Erez Israel.
Today is our day why should any one mourn for us except us.
Do you think they will put an Israeli flag on the site next week, I don't think so.

Reb Mordechai Reviews said...

Not quite sure I understand your point Mark? What do you mean by "Others also died"?

Also, What do you mean by "most Arab countries hang them till this very day"?.

And, what site are you referring to when you say "Do you think they will put an istrali flag on the site next week"?

Unknown said...

Sorry I did not expect a debate.
What I meant was next week is Yom Hazmanuat and I do not expect an Israeli flag to be on the Arab google site, do you so why do you expect the Arab google site to have something for 6,000,000 Jews who died in the Shoah they would be very happy if the rest of us were dead as well.
The other thing I refered to was others died in the Shoah were homosexuals, there were not good enough either even if they were German and we had Jewish ones there as well and to this very day Arab countries hang them that is why many Palestinian gays make there way to the suburbs of Tel Aviv to live.
I guess not mourning in the Arab site of google must have meant a lot to you where as I find it better that we mourn for our on flesh and blood that's why it does not upset me in the least.
Its good enough that the Jewish nation and its friends remember the 6,000,000 Jews that died and because of them a Jewish nation was born another good reason why Arab google will not mourn for our people.

Unknown said...

I do agree with you about the Arabs not standing it would be nice out of respect to have stopped work and stood still while the Siren went off, this is the reason I made sure that I did not take the saucepan of the kugel back to Geula until after the sirem went of as it would have made me sick to see the Haradim walking as the siren went off.

Reb Mordechai Reviews said...

Ok, now i understand what you were saying. This isn't a debate, I just wanted to know what you were saying that's all.

Point 1: Perhaps I did not make it clear enough. I'm not looking at any Arab Google site. I'm looking at, that is the ISRAEL site. The Israel site has three options, Hebrew, English and Arabic. It is Israelis working at the Google office in Israel who have decided not to place the candle on the Israeli page if the person selects Arabic as the language. This is a message to Israeli Arabs.

Point2: Every Chareidi that I saw around the bus station stood to attention. As to why they don't in Geula. The reason is that really and trully, standing to attention is a goyisha way of commerating the dead. It's not Jewish. Jews should commemorate the dead by reciting Tehillim, learning in their memory and saying kaddish. Moreover, according to the Rabbanim, the correct day for Jews to commemorate those who were murdered in the Shoah is Tisha BeAv. This day is actually the day of the Warsaw uprising which I believe is a valid day to remember those brave men and women who stood up against the German army. However, in my opinion, to lump together also those who went silently to the gas chambers in the same day is in a way, an insult to them. They had no chance of fighting back. Having said all that, if Chareidim are in non-exclusive Chareidi neighbourhoods then they will stand to attention in order not to insult the general public and as a mark of respect.

I have heard some people use this week's parsha Shemini as a proof that we should stand in silence. When Moshe consoled Aaron after the death of his two sons, the parsha says that Aaron was silent. There are those who say "Ah ha" you see Aaron's response was silence. Not so! Aaron's response was to get up and quietly carry on with Avdus Hashem, Hashem's service. Davening and performing the tasks in the mishkan. He never stood there like a statue in silence. This is how we honour the dead. By getting up and doi9ng Hashem's will.

Reb Mordechai Reviews said...


What I meant was that I think it's an insult to those who did not have the opportunity to fight back to be lumped together with commorating thoe who fought back in the Warsaw Ghetto. It's like saying that those who fought back were somehow braver and we should honour them more.